Villa Massenzia Complex

Extraordinary maintenance project of the Villa Massenzia compendium
Restoration and conservation
Roma, Italy
Curated by:
Morettiarchitettura with Marco Agliata, Caterina De Gasperis Giurgola, Francesca Romana Poerio

The building appears to be in a precarious state, especially the elevations. A portion of the masonry appears in its current state with obvious detachments of rubble and bricks. It was also noted that the roof of the building is in need of serious safety work. Once the critical aspects of the wall faces have been identified, the project proposes to demolish all superfetations and incoherent materials. The restoration project includes the remaking of the plasters with special attention to the underlying masonry and to the various textures of opus romano- reticulatum. The restoration of the incoherent masonry and the portion of the wall is intended to be solved by stitching up the structure itself and re-roofing using the "bauletto" technique with slaked lime and pozzolan.