Maratea castle recovery plan

Maratea castle recovery plan
Restoration, conservation
Maratea (PZ), Italia
Curated by:
Morettiarchitettura with Guglielmo Rivetti

Maratea constitutes Basilicata's only window to the Tyrrhenian Sea; the castle was built in the 9th century and abandoned in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. Near the castle stand the ruins of an ancient village, which probably developed after the medieval structure was built. There are the remains of more than 20 buildings, a watchtower, surrounding walls, and a church, which popular Maratea tradition says was dedicated to St. Peter. Inside this are crypts and remnants of ancient paintings, still partially visible despite centuries of exposure to the elements. The restoration project aims to restore the original layout of the hamlet. To this end, individual cells were analyzed and restoration and conservation solutions peculiar to each were proposed, up to and including the treatment of individual elements such as window frames and doors.