Ideas for Paestum

Ideas for Paestum and the urban cores of Licinella, Torre di Mare and Santa Venere
Urban planning, landscape design, ideas competition
Paestum (SA), Italia
Curated by:
Morettiarchitettura with Andrea Dolci e Ilaria Bernardi

The competition requires proposing design actions that can activate a general redevelopment process. An extremely confused territory surrounds the ancient walls of Paestum for this reason the main objective of the project is to restore centrality to the city. To this end, the project aims to restore the area, enhance the cultural heritage and landscape, and provide new services for visitors. The masterplan identifies four main operations: the creation of a new distribution axis to the area, the creation of an integrated park system, the recovery of the relationship between Paestum and water, and the creation of a citadel of culture dedicated to archaeology and agriculture. Important to the drafting of this project is the principle of environmental sustainability and the application criteria that address universal issues.