Civilization Museum

Reorganization, arrangement and enhancement of the Civilization Museum
Roma, Italy
Curated by:
Morettiarchitettura with Caterina De Gasperis Giurgola, Seste Engineering S.r.l.

The competition consists of the rationalization of the functions, spaces, routes and exhibition, study and research sections currently existing within the Museum of Civilizations in Rome. To this end, exterior spaces and routes are redesigned. A new interior distribution system is designed based on a central core around which the exhibition revolves and on the monumentalization and emphasizing of the servant spaces over the served ones. A multimedia room is introduced within which the Knowledge Path is designed. The multimedia project aims to develop, integrate and optimize technologies in order to materialize the synergy between oral, visual and spatial storytelling. The model to be designed enables an experience in which the visitor is at the center and is accompanied in the event of fruition through an integrated narrative.